

Educators' Edition

Educators' Edition
Price: $395.00
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Wise Money Board Game

Wise Money Board Game
Price: $39.99
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For co-branding Destina...WiseMoney, or to request more information, please call us at 215-534-3363 or complete our form or email sales@destinagames.com.


More than ever, financial education is growing in importance. A recent survey showed that teachers feel only 32% of high school graduates are financially literate, and 93% of students need education on how to manage a budget. A simple game to teach financial basics is an essential strategy.

Your organization can help encourage the critically important need for financial education and reap the benefits of being a good corporate citizen. Support financial literacy and enhance your public image by partnering with us.  Imagine your logo and ‘Compliments of’ on every box of WiseMoney – The Town of Financial Literacy that teachers, families, and community groups bring out to play on a regular basis.

For pricing and to request more information, please call us at 215-534-3363 or complete our form or email sales@destinagames.com.